Dementia is the loss of mental functions such as memory, thinking, language, judgment, behavior and reasoning that is severe enough to interfere with a person”s daily functioning. Dementia isn”t a specific disease; it is a group of symptoms.
Dementia has many causes; Alzheimer”s disease is the most common cause of dementia.
Other causes may include: Stroke; Toxic reactions (like excessive alcohol or drug use); nutritional deficiencies (like vitamin B12 and folate deficiency); Huntington”s disease; Multiple sclerosis; Brain injury; Brain tumors; Illnesses other than in the brain, such as kidney, liver, and lung diseases, can all lead to dementia.
The common signs and symptoms of dementia may include:
Treatment depends on the underlying causes of dementia. Always follow your doctor”s directions closely, your doctor”s directions may include:
DHA and Brain Health: Moriguchi T, Greiner RS, Salem N Jr. Behavioral deficits associated with dietary induction of decreased brain docosahexaenoic acid concentration. J Neurochem 2000;75:2563-73.
"...These results suggest that learning and cognitive behaviors are related to brain DHA status, which, in turn, is related to the levels of the milk/dietary n-3 fatty acids..." *
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PS and Brain Health: McAlindon TE, LaValley MP, Gulin JP, Felson DT. Glucosamine and chondroitin for treatment of osteoarthritis: a systematic quality assessment and meta-analysis. JAMA 2000;283:1469-75.
"...Trials of glucosamine and chondroitin preparations for OA (osteoarthritis) symptoms demonstrate moderate to large effects..." *
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DHA and Brain Health: Uauy R, Hoffman DR, Mena P, et al. Term infant studies of DHA and ARA supplementation on neurodevelopment: Results of randomized controlled trials. J Pediatr 2003;143:S17-25.
"...We conclude that there is a significant relation between the total DHA equivalents provided and effectiveness as defined by visual acuity measurements at 4 months of age..." *
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PS and Brain Health: Crook TH, Tinklenberg J, Yesavage J, et al. Effects of phosphatidylserine in age-associated memory impairment. Neurology 1991;41:644-9.
"...The results suggest that the compound may be a promising candidate for treating memory loss in later life..." *
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GB and Brain Health: Kanowski S, Herrmann WM, Stephan K, et al. Proof of efficacy of the ginkgo biloba special extract (EGb 761) in outpatients suffering from mild to moderate primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type or multi-infarct dementia. Pharmacopsychiatry 1996;29:47-56.
"...Thus, the clinical efficacy of the ginkgo biloba special extract …in dementia of the Alzheimer type and multi-infarct dementia was confirmed..." *
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Borage and Brain Health: Bandoniene D, Murkovic M. The detection of radical scavenging compounds in crude extract of borage (Borago officinalis L.) by using an on-line HPLC-DPPH method. J Biochem Biophys Methods 2002;53:45-9.
"...The dominant antioxidative compound in the crude extract of borage leaves was identified as rosmarinic acid..." *
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Astaxanthin and Brain Health: Xuebo Liua, Takahiro Shibataa, Shinsuke Hisakaa and Toshihiko Osawa Astaxanthin inhibits reactive oxygen species-mediated cellular toxicity in dopaminergic SH-SY5Y cells via mitochondria-targeted protective mechanism. Brain Research Volume 1254, 13 February 2009, Pages 18-27
Miyawaki et al., (2005). Effects of astaxanthin on human blood rheology. J. Clin. Therap. Med., 21(4):421-429.
Nagaki et al. (2005). The effects of astaxanthin on retinal capillary blood flow in normal volunteers. J. Clin. Therap. Med.
"...Astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier which offers tremendous beneficial significance with regard to the well-being of your brain health.*..." *
Resveratrol and Brain Health: Savaskan E, Olivieri G, Meier F, et al. Red wine ingredient resveratrol protects from beta-amyloid neurotoxicity. Gerontology 2003;49:380-3.
Resveratrol might have a role in preventing Alzheimer's disease.
"...Resveratrol maintains cell viability and exerts an anti-oxidative action by enhancing the intracellular free-radical scavenger glutathione. ..Our findings suggest that red wine may be neuroprotective through the actions of resveratrol..." *
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